
Photo by Quu1ed1c Bu1ea3o on Pexels.com

One of the hardest parts about being a Christian (or human) is waiting.

To put it plainly, waiting sucks.

Waiting can take on various forms. There is “common waiting” like grocery store lines, traffic, water boiling and paint drying. There is also “serious waiting” such as test results, a job offer, life direction, purpose, clarity, etc.

Nobody likes to wait. Our culture reinforces this dislike by pushing instant gratification.

Don’t believe me?!  Look around.  Just about everything can be delivered to our doorsteps and most things can be bought with the tap of a finger. Convenience has become a god and we are it’s worshipers. We’re slaves to easiness and I think it’s making us weak, even entitled.


What if we can find some good in the waiting?  What if there’s growth there?  What if God’s hanging out amidst the grind, anticipation and uncertainty? 

While finding patience amidst the day-to-day is challenging, waiting on God’s timing can be extra maddening.

There’s a certain level of faith, trust and surrender involved with this process.

Practically speaking, this looks like us leaving the details of our lives in God’s hands, knowing that He’ll align things when His timing’s right. That’s tough, especially when we’re passionate about something…when we want immediate results.

For me, the battle lies in “the pause.” Meaning, there have been times when God’s stirred my heart regarding a goal or opportunity. It felt as though things were moving and doors were about to open. Then…nothing. No movement, no direction, only a continued course in the same direction.

Man, this frustrates me like no other!

It’s during these times that I’m tempted to doubt the “God moving” part. I wonder if I’ve heard Him correctly…if my feelings and emotions were leading me vs. His timing coming to fruition.

While I haven’t perfected this yet, I’m learning to simply sit in the “in-between.” I’m learning to slow down, be patient and trust that God will work through whatever stirring He’s created in my heart.

The truth is, when God’s timing ends up meeting our circumstances, the results are bountiful…they’re beyond anything that we could ever imagine. It’s beautiful, effortless and right. His timing is simply perfect.

So, what are you waiting for? Whether big or small, God cares about it. Most of all, He wants us to grow amidst the waiting.

The problem with growth is that it always hurts. It’s uncomfortable and can feel burdensome at the time.

Despite this reality, I encourage you to take a deep breath and pray something like this: “God, I trust in your perfect timing. Please give me patience as I wait for your direction. Show me next steps and equip me with a heart of anticipation and strength.” He’ll meet you there.

The truth is, whenever I’ve wanted something really bad, waited for it and finally received it in God’s timing, the results have always blown my mind.

God’s plan is always marked with sweetness and overflowing provision. I think that’s worth the wait.

God Bless,


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